Written by FOJ Contributor in Job Search
Jan 2 nd, 2025
When you hear the term “transferable skills” when associated with job searches, exactly what does that mean?
Transferable skills are skills and qualities that you bring from one job to another.
Transferable skills are accumulated skills that help when applying for a job because an employer appreciates that you come with skills that are not necessarily taught, but learned by on-the-job experience. Those who have prior work experience and have good transferable skills may be chosen over a younger candidate who is entering the work force without much experience.
Below are some transferable skills that employers appreciate:
It is important to list your best transferable skills on your resume so future employers see your qualifications and experience. Listing them will improve your chances of an interview since an employer will be able to visualize your entire “work package” including job experience as well as personal and work-related experience.
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