Job Search
Written by FOJ Contributor
2 days ago
Self- worth is key in having a successful career and advancing toward your ultimate work goals. Don’t settle for a…
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Amazon announced a “Career Day” to be held September 16, 2020, nationwide, virtual event open to all job seekers. Attendees…
Now is a better time than ever to look for a side gig to make extra money. Working from home…
Did you know that you and your appearance are judged in three seconds? That’s how long it takes for someone…
The U.S. Department of Labor announced that claims for jobless benefits surged enormously since the last time unemployment was at…
To get the job you are interviewing for you will want to ask good questions that show your confidence, commitment,…
When you hear the term “transferable skills” when associated with job searches, exactly what does that mean? Transferable skills are…
Older Job Seekers Need Work; Here Are Some Strategies to Get You Going Older job seekers face unique challenges, especially…
There was a time when a job search meant submitting applications for available jobs until you were hired. Recruiters can…
Yes. Many employers conduct background checks on all their employees, but some employers also conduct credit checks. Jobs in finance,…
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